Blink Marketing, Inc. Attains Assured Status from Mars Incorporated

Blink Marketing, Inc. is the first Premia supplier to achieve Assured Status from Mars Incorporated. This designation marks a first for Mars since the implementation of the Mars Incorporated Global Standard Premia Quality Management (PrQM). This prestigious status is intended for manufacturers who achieve outstanding performance across numerous projects.

“Mars Assured Supplier Status is the highest achievement for a supplier and is reserved for suppliers that consistently demonstrate an unwavering commitment to quality, brand protection, and consumer satisfaction.”, says Kyle Earing, Blink Marketing’s Quality and Operations Director (former Mars SQA Scientist).

Blink Marketing first began its relationship with Mars in 2005. This partnership helped Mars find new suppliers, add unique decorating options and fresh products, tailor to a wide range of budgets and consumers, offer custom offshore sourcing capabilities and several other customized services for Mars. Over the years, Blink Marketing has strengthened their credibility and gained Mars’ trust by supplying innovative ideas for products and showcasing the company’s creative abilities.

“We are so excited and honored to attain the “Assured” status with Mars. It is truly a testament to our hard work, high quality standards, and dedicated team. As an extension of Mars, we are committed to maintaining an efficient buying process for the buyers while holding our products and processes to the highest quality standards.” says Michal Van Meter, Blink Marketing’s Senior Sales and Marketing Coordinator.

Blink’s quality assurance is comprised of finding their customers the right people, using the right process and products, keeping consumers safe, protecting brands and satisfying customer needs. Through this process, Blink has gained Mars’ trust in ensuring the products ‘fit’ to the customer’s requirement with little to no adjustments. Blink has a commitment to producing the highest quality branded merchandise and promotional products that substantially enhance brand awareness while ensuring consumer safety and satisfaction.